
Constructs a new Chunker based on polynomial pol that reads from source. Params: source = An input range of chunks of bytes, such as that returned by File.byChunk or ubyte[].chunks or simply ubyte[].only. pol = An irreducible polynomial from F_2[X]. Use Pol.getRandom() to generate a random one. averageBits = Allows to control the frequency of chunk discovery: the lower averageBits, the higher amount of chunks will be identified. The default value is 20 bits, so chunks will be of 1MiB size on average. minSize = Minimum size of emitted chunks. Chunk boundaries that occur less than minSize bytes from the chunk start are ignored. maxSize = Maximum size of emitted chunks. If a chunk boundary is not encountered after maxSize bytes from the chunk start, it is forcibly split at that point. cbuf = A buffer to store chunk data. When null (default), a new buffer is allocated on construction of length maxSize. Returns: An instance of Chunker, an input range of Chunker.Chunk, which contains the chunk data, and the fingerprint value when it was cut.
